The Future of Genetic Testing in Ireland

Ireland’s first Private Genetic Medical Testing Laboratory:

An Entrepreneurial & Academic Partnership

Eurofins Clinical Genetics: Dedicated to your Personal Health:
Healthcare in Ireland is currently transitioning to personalised Predictive Medicine. Until recently, efforts and resources have been concentrated on managing disease, however the surge in cases of chronic disease worldwide is overwhelming healthcare systems. Eurofins are committed to being a part of the Predictive Medicine solution.

Ireland is Bringing Genetic Testing Home
A state-of-the-art, next-generation sequencing laboratory has been developed by Eurofins Clinical Genetics in Dublin city. Our Clinical Genetics Laboratory offers advanced clinical genetics services while maintaining a strong focus on advancing clinical research in our dedicated research and development lab at our Dublin site. This combination of entrepreneurship and intellectual Academia will allow Eurofins to bring Predictive Medicine to the Irish population.

What is Predictive Medicine?
Genetic Tests can help to predict your chances of developing specific conditions or diseases. Currently your inherited genes cannot be changed, but your predisposition for developing these conditions or diseases may be altered by factors such as lifestyle and environment. Lifestyle factors such as stress, bodyweight, fitness, quality of sleep, and nutrition can be addressed, and environmental factors such as where you live, use of plastics, and exposure to toxins can be explored. Knowing that you can alter your own health outcome is empowering.

What is NGS?
Next-generation sequencing (NGS) is the current technology used for the analysis of genetic material. Specialised laboratories use NGS to detect variances in genetic sequences, which are the cause of specific conditions or diseases. NGS can sequence thousands of genes in a relatively short period of time. This allows the rapid diagnosis of these conditions and diseases.

What do we Test?
Eurofins offer a wide range of genetic testing, including various options for Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT), Oncology, Fertility, Nutrigenetics, and Gynaecology. With the current speed of innovation in this field, we will soon be able to offer more.

Research & Development
We are securing our future growth and innovation by establishing a vibrant new dedicated Research & Development department to keep this area of Healthcare at home, growing in line with technological advancements.

About Us

Eurofins Clinical Genetics opened its doors in early 2024, for the first time bringing private commercial genetic testing to the shores of Ireland.

We are a team of dedicated experts in the fields of Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing, Oncology, Nutrigenetics and Gynaecology looking to change the face of genetic testing in Ireland for future generations.

Located in our state of the art laboratory in the Trinity Centre for Health Sciences at St. James Hospital Dublin, our team is ready to help you discover all the possibilities of genetic testing. Whether you are interested in sourcing NIPT services for your patients or learning more about preventative health testing with Nutrinext wellness testing, we will be here to help.

Why not contact us today through our contact form below, the possibilities are endless.

About Us

Eurofins Clinical Genetics opened its doors in early 2024, for the first time bringing private commercial genetic testing to the shores of Ireland.

We are a team of dedicated experts in the fields of Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing, Oncology, Fertility, Nutrigenetics and Gynaecology looking to change the face of genetic testing in Ireland for current and future generations.

Located in our state of the art laboratory in the Trinity Translational Medicine Institute, Trinity Centre for Health Sciences Dublin, our team is ready to help you discover all the possibilities of genetic testing. Whether you are interested in sourcing NIPT services for your patients or learning more about preventative health testing with Nutrinext wellness testing, we will be here to help.

Why not contact us today through our contact form below, the possibilities are endless.

Meet some of our Scientists and Healthcare Professionals

You can contact us via our contacts form at the end of this page
Dr Roy Naja, Laboratory Director for Eurofins Clinical Genetics UK & IE, Chief Scientific Officer for Clinical Diagnostics UK. Associate Professor (Honorary) of Reproductive Health.

Roy is a healthcare professional with over 20 years of experience in clinical diagnostics, genomics, and reproductive health. He is registered with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) as a Clinical Scientist in Genetics and is a “Diplomate” member of the Royal College of Pathologists (molecular genetics).

Roy is ‘quality driven’ and works with the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) as a technical expert.

He has a strong background in research with a PhD in Human Genetics and is affiliated to the department of reproductive health at University College London (UCL) where he delivers lectures and co-supervises PhD students.
Dr. Helen Keegan, PhD, BA(Mod), FACSLM, Specialist Clinical Scientist (Eurofins Clinical Genetics IRL), Adjunct Assistant Professor at School of Medicine, Trinity College Dublin
Since completing her PhD in 2005 in the area of HPV and Cervical Cancer Screening, Helen has gained almost 20 years’ experience in the field of molecular diagnostics. She has worked in both the diagnostic laboratory and research space, translating cutting edge science & technology into cutting edge solutions for patients and their families, in several disease areas including cervical cancer, head and neck cancer, prostate cancer and thyroid cancer. She has held various positions within the Department of Histopathology at Trinity College Dublin and the Coombe Women and Infants University Hospital including Research Fellow, Molecular Scientist, Medical Scientist and Lecturer at the National Cervical Screening Laboratory. 

She has 29 peer reviewed scientific publications, is a Fellow of the Academy of Clinical Science and Laboratory Medicine and has completed Certificates of Expert Practice in Molecular Pathology and Leadership and Management with the Institute of Biomedical Sciences (UK, 2019 and 2021).
Dr. Prerna Tewari, PhD. Specialist Clinical Scientist (Eurofins Clinical Genetics IRL), Adjunct Assistant Professor at School of Medicine, Trinity College Dublin

Prerna has significant expertise in molecular biology, cancer genomics, molecular pathology and molecular diagnostics. She has over 20 years of experience in conducting translational research; establishing biomarkers for monitoring response to treatment (childhood Leukaemia), validation of HPV testing platforms for cervical screening and development and validation of biomarkers for prostate cancer which are now being utilised in clinical practice for risk-stratification of patients.

Her extensive research experience is evidenced by her publication record with several high impact publications; Blood, Plos Computational Biology, Human Molecular Genetics and British Journal of Haematology.  

Her research has been recognised on several occasions including, “Best Oral Presentation” at the British Society of Colposcopy meeting, UK, as well as an invitation to present at the Royal Academy of Medicine (St. Luke’s Investigator Award). She was also awarded an Irish Cancer Society fellowship to attend the summer school in Cancer epidemiology at the International Agency for Research Against Cancer(IARC).

Her current role with Eurofins Biomnis in partnership with Trinity College Dublin embeds her within a diverse network of academic and industry partnerships, positions her at the leading-edge of genomic medicine and allows her to develop and implement clinical diagnostic assays for deployment in routine clinical care.

Our Laboratory Partners

We are proud to be part of Eurofins Global with access to the wider network of testing laboratories. Our partners in genetics are Eurofins Genoma and our UK counterpart Eurofins Clinical Genetics UK. With a wide range of over 2000 genetic tests, these laboratories represent some of the leading commercial genetic laboratories in the world.

To learn more about these laboratories and what they offer, check out their websites through the below links:

Eurofins Genoma Italy

Eurofins Clinical Genetics UK

Contact Us

If you have a specific enquiry regarding test results please contact directly.

If you have an issue with any of our services please click the link HERE and complete our contact form

Eurofins, Blackthorn Road Site Sample Reception

Public Opening Hours:
Monday to Sunday: 8.30am - 5.30pm

Unit 3, Sandyford Business Centre, Sandyford Business Park, Blackthorn Road, Dublin 18,D18 E528,Ireland

Eurofins Lablink

Tel: 1800 252 967

Eurofins Client Services

Public Opening Hours:
Monday to Friday: 8.30am - 5.30pm
Tel: 1800 252 966